دكتور أحمد المصري

The success story of Mazen with bariatric surgeries "I am a different person now."

We work hard to create an exceptional experience for you during your treatment in Egypt. When you book through our website, you will receive a distinguished medical service inside Egypt. In your medical journey, we will provide you with tourism and entertainment services as well.

The success story of Mazen with bariatric surgeries "I am a different person now."

Mazen is from Saudi Arabia, and he has been suffering from severe obesity, weighing 190 kilograms. He trusted Dr. Ahmed El Masry and experienced a laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery to get rid of the excess weight.
Within a year, he reached 100 kilograms and says, "I am a different person now, and my life has completely changed."
Gastric sleeve surgery is so named because, after removing about 80% of the stomach, the remaining portion takes the shape of a sleeve.
Dr. Ahmed El Masry has become a partner in medical tourism in Egypt, where many people from all over the world come for treatment.
The gastric sleeve surgery was the best option for Mazen rather than a gastric bypass surgery, which is more suitable for sweet lovers and diabetics.
Mazen experienced easy follow-up and efficiency with Dr. Ahmed El Masry after the surgery. He communicates with him through social media platforms and confirms that Dr. Ahmed answers his questions and inquiries as soon as possible. He also gained encouragement from the experiences of those who underwent bariatric surgeries with Dr. Ahmed through social media.